· Insight

VAT exemption for the management of PE/VC funds

Original: “Umsatzsteuerbefreiung der Verwaltung von PE/VC-Fonds”

The German government has determined that immense investments are required in Germany in order to achieve the social transformation towards more digitalization and climate protection. The major tasks of the near future cannot be solved with state funding alone, but also require large sums of private capital, i.e. capital that has generally avoided Germany as a business location in international comparison. Recognizing this, the German legislator passed the Future Financing Act (ZuFinG) as an important building block in strengthening Germany as a financial location and introduced a VAT exemption for the management of alternative investment funds (AIF) in Section 4 No. 8 lit. h) UStG, which will apply from 01.01.2024.

in: DER BETRIEB Steuerboard,, May 14, 2024
Authors: Dr. Joshua Niclas Berg