POELLATH is more. More than just legal know-how and tax expertise. More than advisors. POELLATH also stands for humanitarianism and social commitment. Corporate Social Responsibility is part of our corporate culture. This applies to our work on pro bono mandates. In addition, many POELLATH employees invest considerable amounts of their free time in social projects. For us, economic success implies charitable commitment as a matter of course. We support diversity, curiosity and sustainability in a colorful bouquet of topics, interests, ideas and projects.
For us, diversity also means maintaining and strengthening contacts. POELLATH has therefore developed a digital strategy. We maintain contacts with clients and colleagues through all important social media channels.
Environmental protection and sustainability are important to us. Together we pay attention to the implementation of our own environmental policy. Future generations should be able to use this planet as we do.
We have compiled our values and the most important aspects of our work together - from respect, tolerance and commitment to excellence, service and support to health and environmental protection - in a Code of Conduct as the basis for our actions in the POELLATH team.
Approach, act and help.
In addition to legal excellence, social and cultural commitment has played a central role at POELLATH since its inception. This includes, in particular, the commitment to charitable foundations founded by partners and friends of the firm. We feel connected to these foundations and other projects and support them not only with legal expertise, but also with financial, material and logistical means.
Pro Bono
Advice – even with no benefit for oneself. Many POELLATH advisors use their expertise for the benefit of society. Their help is provided without payment, without lowering their advisory standards. POELLATH encourages its advisors to participate in this activity, even beyond the collective commitment. Goal: The best possible legal advice for the benefit of society.

Building Bridges
Broaden your horizon and take challenges seriously. For this purpose, POELLATH initiates various events addressing socio-political issues. For example, POELLATH has organized the “Berliner Abendgespräche” since 2008. Goal: To venture a look beyond the legal horizon with employees, clients, guests and friends of the firm and get acquainted with various public figures and their social commitment. We want to seek discussion on current socio-political and critical issues and encourage reflection. Instead of a fee, POELLATH makes a donation to the lecturers’ preferred charitable project.
Among others, we had the privilege to host:
Rupert Neudeck (founder of Cap Anamur and Green Helmets) on the topic “Entwicklungspolitik in der Sackgasse” (Development policy at a dead-end)
Jean Ziegler (advisor to the committee of the UN Human Rights Council) on the topic “Der Hass auf den Westen – Wie sich die armen Völker gegen den wirtschaftlichen Weltkrieg wehren” (Hatred of the West - How poor people resist the economic world war)
Manfred Nowak (professor of human rights, University of Vienna) on the subject of “Folter im 21. Jahrhundert” (Torture in the 21st century)
Claudia Dantschke (head of HAYAT-Germany) on the topic “Verführbar, wenn die Perspektive fehlt – Wenn junge Erwachsene zu islamistischen Gotteskriegern werden” (Seducible when there is no perspective - When young adults become Islamist holy warriors).

Conscious + sustainable

For us, economic success always means responsibility. Awareness of environmental and climate protection, as well as sustainable business practices, is part of our corporate culture and is also becoming increasingly important in our firm. And that is absolutely right. We want to be a role model!
As a young and dynamic law firm, we are versatile and agile. We review and improve our internal processes. Our team works together on environmental protection and sustainability issues. A lot has to change. For this purpose, we have adopted our own environmental policy. It includes, among other things: the path to a paperless office, saving electricity in the workplace, business trips within Germany by train, meals prepared from regional, organic farming. These objectives challenge us. But the will to make an ecological contribution drives us onward. If each individual makes their contribution, much will change.
Fitness + environmental protection

Sports and environmental protection? Not a contradiction. To prove this, we started a POELLATH plogging event in Berlin’s Tiergarten.
Plogging combines outdoor fitness with commitment to environmental protection. During a jogging lap, garbage lying around is collected and then disposed of professionally. This trend inspires not just us. It goes far beyond a hashtag on Instagram. On Instagram alone, there are already over 100,000 contributions under the hashtag #plogging and the trend is escalating.
POELLATH turns this trend into commitment that connects us. Equipped with garbage bags, committed employees and their families set out to clear Berlin's Tiergarten of the garbage lying around. Our Berlin team has long had a special connection to the park. We use it as a running track, yoga lawn and recreational area. POELLATH + PLOGGING

Communication. Exchange. Learning from each other. It has never been easier to get and stay in contact with each other. POELLATH uses all major social media channels to interact with clients, partners, colleagues and friends. In so doing, we share our knowledge and experience in a modern way. Let’s stay connected.