Christian is a member of the Munich Private Clients team.
The team specializes in providing holistic advice to high-net-worth individuals, especially family entrepreneurs and their mostly complex international asset structures. “Our clients can expect advice that comprehensively considers not only all legal aspects but – as our experience shows – also all personal aspects that family life itself, and the life of an entrepreneurial family in particular, entails.”
The Private Clients team therefore brings together highly skilled experts in corporate law, inheritance and family law and, above all, tax experts in order to quickly identify and understand all the individual needs of the clients and to provide them with highly qualified advice.
Within the team, Christian focuses his practice on transformations and restructurings in the context of business successions, often with international references and including the use of foundations and trusts. He received his doctorate in succession and foundation law from the University of Cologne.

- Joined POELLATH in 2020
- Admitted to the bar in 2020
- Legal clerkship in Bonn, Bogotá, D.C. (Colombia), Cologne and Munich
- Studied law at University of Bonn and at University of Cologne (Ph.D. 2018)