· Insight

Tax compliance practice: The interaction of the progression proviso and the deduction restriction of Section 2a EStG (German Income Tax Act)

for DTA-tax-free rental income from third countries

Original: “Tax Compliance Praxis: Das Zusammenspiel von Progressionsvorbehalt und der Abzugsbeschränkung des § 2a EStG bei DBA-steuerfreien Mieteinkünften aus Drittstaaten”

It is common practice for German residents to invest in foreign real estate. Rental income from these properties is generally tax-free in Germany due to double taxation agreements, but is subject to progression. In her current article, Teresa Noël sheds light on the extent to which the deduction restriction of Section 2a German Income Tax Act (EStG) restricts the (negative) progression proviso and what practical implications this has for German residents holding real estate.

in: DER BETRIEB Steuerboard,, October 22, 2024
Authors: Teresa Noël
  • Tax
    • Tax Compliance
    • Fund Tax Law