Mai 2023 · Insight

New regulations for capital investment companies - electronic communication with the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) becomes the norm

Original: “Neuregelungen für Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaften - Elektronische Kommunikation mit der BaFin wird zum Regelfall”

For capital investment companies, electronic communication with BaFin is becoming the norm, and BaFin’s own “MVP portal” is becoming the standard communication procedure. Section 7b of the German Investment Code (Kapitalanlagegesetzbuch), which recently came into force, represents the central legal regulation for electronic communication, affecting matters from all stages of the regulatory process. Dr. Tobias Lochen and Johanna Ritter deal with this topic in a recent article in VC Magazine.

in: VentureCapital Magazin, 03/2023, 16-17
Authors: Dr. Tobias Lochen, Johanna Ritter
  • Investment Funds
    • Fund Structuring
    • Fund Regulatory Law
    • Marketing Rules
    • AIFMD authorization