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P+P advises yabeo Impact on investment in Wegatech

The Munich-based early stage investor yabeo Impact has invested in Wegatech.

With this latest investment in Wegatech, yabeo expands its approach with impact investing. The new investment platform yabeo Impact focuses solely on companies with social or environmental impact and seeks to achieve an investment volume of approximately EUR 50 million for the alternative investment fund. yabeo Impact's investment strategy is oriented around the UN's 17 "Sustainable Development Goals" (SDG). On the environmental impact side, the focus is on the topics of cleantech, agtech and foodtech, as well as inclusion and education on the social impact side.

Wegatech is headquartered in Munich; it designs and installs sustainable energy technology for private households with a combination of solar systems, energy storage, e-charging stations and electrically operated heat pump systems. Since it was founded up to the present day, Wegatech customers have saved more than 5 million tons of CO2 and produced over 13.3 gigawatt of green electricity.

P+P Pöllath + Partners advised yabeo Impact with the following team:

Monika Goede
+49 (89) 24 24 0 - 228 call