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P+P advises InterNations on the sale to Xing

Xing AG acquired InterNations GmbH, the largest network for professionals worldwide. The founders Malte Zeeck and Philipp von Plato remain at the company.

With 2.7 million members and communities in 390 different cities, InterNations is the world's largest network for people who live and work abroad (so-called "expats"). The online and offline platform provides the opportunity to network with other members who share the same life situation and similar needs. The company is headquartered in Munich and employs over 100 people from 30 countries.

With more than 12 million members, XING AG is the leading social network for professional contacts in German-speaking countries. The portal was established in 2003, has been listed on the stock exchange since 2006 and has been listed in the TecDAX since 2011. The portfolio also includes Jobbö, the largest job search machine in the German-speaking world, as well as kununu, a platform for employer evaluations. XING is represented in Hamburg, Munich, Barcelona, Vienna and Zurich.

P+P Pöllath + Partners provided legal and tax advice to the vendors with the following team:

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