· Ranking

Chambers Europe 2011 - Europe's Leading Lawyers for Business

According to the renowned guide, P+P is a first tier firm in private equity and fund formation and also recommended in the fields of M&A/corporate, investment funds, real estate and tax. Munich partner Matthias Bruse and Frankfurt partner Andreas Rodin are excelled in more than one practice areas for their comprising top expertise. In detail, P+P and its partners are ranked as follows:
In M&A/corporate, P+P "is a strong player in the market, partly thanks to its reputation on the fund and tax structuring side". In particular, Matthias Bruse "has established a strong standing and has caught the market´s eye for years". This applies also to his private equity expertise, where Matthias is "a leading figure, … whom sources say they would hire tomorrow", while Benedikt Hohaus "is extremely highly regarded as an adviser to management on participation programmes", as is Philipp von Braunschweig for his expertise in management equity programmes. Frankfurt's new partner Jan Wildberger is recommended for his "methodical and client-orientated" approach. Other recommended lawyers include Andrea von Drygalski, who "has advised on significant deals" and Otto Haberstock. The leading Munich partner Reinhard Pöllath is regarded as "a highly valued boardroom adviser widely considered an institution in this field".
Moreover, P+P has "an outstanding reputation for fund formation, as well as closed funds and real estate funds". Berlin partner Amos Veith "knows the landscape of what investors in Europe and elsewhere need", whereas Patricia Volhard is recommended for her "corporate and regulatory issues related to the structure of funds". Frankfurt partner Andreas Rodin is a "major figure within fund formation in Germany". Clients commented: "Whenever I mentioned that our fund had been structured by Andreas Rodin…, they had no further questions. It was like a quality stamp".
Andreas Rodin is also ranked as a leading lawyer in tax. The firm´s team of impressive consultants includes Michael Best who is well-known for his "deep expertise in the private equity industry and the speed of his responses". Richard Engl is noted for his "substantial corporate tax practice" while "prominent adviser" Thomas Töben "focuses on areas including M&A, restructuring and the real estate sector". Clients evaluate this tax team as an "absolutely cutting-edge" operation with "unrivalled experience dealing with private equity situations".
Also in real estate, market observers applaud the "broad capabilities and strength in drafting lease agreements. The team capitalises in the firm's reputation in funds and private equity". Berlin partner Matthias Durst leads many of P+P's top-end transactional mandates. Clients comment "if it seems like to get complicated, he´s the guy to go to". Also Stefan Lebek is held in "high esteem" and Carsten Führling "gets straight to the point" while new partner Wolfram Pätzold is admired by clients for his ability of gaining "quickly an overview of the whole deal" and "his balance of fairness and toughness in negotiations".

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