Daniel Wiedmann, LL.M.

+49 (69) 247047-24 call
Associated Partner


Daniel is head of the antitrust department at POELLATH. He advises clients on regulatory law and in particular on German and EU competition law, as well as foreign trade regulation. A particular focus of his practice is on merger control and foreign direct investment review proceedings, as well as on sanctions and embargoes. He advises clients on compliance matters, contracts and represents them vis-à-vis authorities and courts. Daniel has been recommended multiple times by recognized rankings. He is strategic, forward-looking and, at the same time, pragmatic - as a sports and music enthusiast, endurance and creativity are also among his characteristics. 



  • Joined POELLATH in 2015
  • Memberships: Anti-Trust and Competition Working Group of Invest Europe; German Antitrust Law Association (Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht); Frankfurt Antitrust Forum (KartellrechtsForum Frankfurt) (board member 2014-2018) and the German American Lawyers' Assocation
  • Associate at major US law firms (2006-2014)
  • Admitted to the bar in 2006
  • Research assistant at Hamburg University (2000-2001)
  • Studied law at Universities of Heidelberg, Hamburg and New York (NYU, LL.M. 2002)
German, English
“renowned antitrust lawyer”
“renowned antitrust lawyer”
Daniel Wiedmann, LL.M. (NYU)
Associated Partner
Attorney-at-Law (Germany)