· Insight

"Tax the super-rich!"

Will the global minimum taxation for companies (Pillar 2) be followed by a global minimum wealth tax for individuals?

Original: “‘Besteuert die Superreichen!’ - Kommt nach der globalen Mindestbesteuerung für Unternehmen (Pillar 2) eine globale Mindestvermögensteuer für natürliche Personen?”

Following the introduction of global minimum taxation for companies, a global minimum wealth tax for private individuals is now being discussed. Prominent supporters such as Svenja Schulze (German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development) and finance ministers from Spain, Brazil and South Africa are calling for such a tax in order to promote social justice and secure government revenue. The proposal is based on analyses by the EU Tax Observatory, which criticizes low effective tax rates for billionaires.

in: DER BETRIEB Steuerboard,, June 25, 2024
Authors: Dr. Erik Muscheites, Tobias Stiewe
  • Private Clients
    • Family-owned Companies
    • High-Net-Worth Individuals
    • Foundations and Trusts
    • Succession
    • Tax Planning / Structuring
    • Inheritance Tax Law
    • Art
  • Tax
    • International Tax Law
    • Tax Compliance
    • Tax Valuation Law
  • Foundations and Non-Profit Organizations
    • Family Foundations
    • Succession Foundations
    • Foundation Tax Law
    • Corporate Foundations
    • Foreign Foundations
    • Art