· Insight

The planned disclosure requirement for domestic tax arrangements and its potential impact on German funds

Original: “Die geplante Anzeigepflicht für inländische Steuergestaltungen und deren potenzielle Auswirkungen auf deutsche Fonds”

Surprisingly, the government draft of the Tax Reform Act again contains proposals for the introduction of a notification obligation for domestic tax arrangements. The proposed § 138l - § 138n AO-E were taken over with identical wording from the failed draft of the Growth Opportunities Act. This article examines the possible consequences of the introduction of a reporting obligation for domestic tax arrangements for German funds, their managers and investors.

in: DER BETRIEB Steuerboard,, August 14, 2024
Authors: Dr. Enzo Biagi
  • Private Funds
    • Fund Structuring
    • Investor Advice
    • Fund Tax Law
    • Fund Compliance
    • Investment Tax Law
    • DAC 6 and Funds
    • Special Funds
  • Tax
    • Tax Compliance
    • Investment Tax Law
    • DAC 6