· Insight

Déjà vu in tax law

Original: "Das Déjà-vu im Steuerrecht"

The reporting obligation for domestic tax arrangements is back in the debate. After the project was already included in the draft Growth Opportunities Act and failed in the Bundesrat, the BMF is making another attempt with the draft bill for the Annual Tax Act 2024 II. The compliance costs for the tax authorities, taxpayers and intermediaries would be high, while the expected tax policy benefits are likely to be manageable - and there is little sign of the reduction in bureaucracy recently promised by the government.

in: DER BETRIEB, Issue 32/2024, August 5, 2024, M4-M5
Authors: Dr. Martin Liebernickel, Tobias Stiewe
  • Tax
    • Tax Compliance
    • DAC 6